Team Leader: Danielle Romais
“Science knows no country because knowledge belongs to humanity and is the torch which illuminates the world” – Louis Pasteur

Students who choose this focus will have the opportunity to delve deeper into various science and technology topics that go beyond their regular academic curriculum. In Science and Technology Major, students will be able to inquire and investigate about Astronomy, Computer Engineering and Robotics, Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and Environmental Science while learning how to conduct sound scientific research. Progress for this major will be measured in hands-on experiments, labs, and exploratory real-life science experiences. Students are able to choose among three options if they are interested in Science and Technology: Science Major, Technology and Multimedia Elective, Kitchen Chemistry Elective.

Science Major is tailored for students who are genuinely interested in science related topics, and want to have a more in depth understanding of scientific theories, experiments, field and laboratory techniques and applied research methods. Possible topics that might be covered in science major include (but are not restricted to) anatomy, astronomy, zoology, botany, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, mathematics, cartography, computer science, and robotics. In Science Major, students will be challenged to ask questions, and will be guided to look for answers using the scientific method. We encourage students to give room to curiosity as they dive into the wonderful world of science.



Technology and Multimedia Electives focus on Computer Engineering, Coding, 3D Printing, Video Game & Graphic Design, Robotics, and Electronics. Students in the Computer Engineering, Coding, and Design classes learn a variety of coding languages and create/design their own avatars, games, programs, and apps. Students learn how to operate the 3D printer with teacher assistance and how to envision the world through the eyes of a programmer.

Students in Robotics work together on class projects, learn how to program robots using different coding languages (JavaScript, C++ among others). Students are also encouraged to work on independent projects developing games and designs using multiple media platforms and styles. Student competed in a Solar Car Race last year. They designed, manufactured, and raced their car against other schools in the Sacramento areas. Next year, the students are determined to build a new model that is more aerodynamic, faster, and with more bling!









Kitchen Chemistry is a very popular fully hands on elective where students have the opportunity to experience science through cooking. Every week students are encouraged to participate by working together to prepare a recipe of their choosing. Each student needs to present the “science behind the recipe selected. At the end of the class, everyone who participated enjoys delicious treats.  


Class Details:
Science Major
Day: Monday, Wednesday
Time: 1:55-2:45

Day: Thursday
Time: 1:55-2:45

Kitchen Chemistry
Day: Tuesday, Friday
Time: 1:00-2:40, 1:55-2:45


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