Upcoming Events
There is always something happening on and off campus, so keep checking the link below for upcoming family fun and ways to get involved at CI!!
Our weekly newsletters share information about upcoming events, fundraisers, trips, celebrations, birthdays, deadlines, and more!
Did you miss a newsletter? No worries! Click here for a link to all of this year's newsletters.

Helping Others
Student create and enact a Social Action Project each school year. These projects increase awareness about important causes, raise funds to improve our community, and provide opportunities for families to become actively involved in service.
Some 2019-2020 Projects:
-a snack drive for a program that provides education and enrichment support to refugees
-a drive for feminine products for Sacramento people who are homeless
-a website made to help LGBT homeless youth find resources
To the left are some of our students at River City Food bank. As a school, we spent a day packaging food and distributing it to guests who visited the food bank.