How to Apply
Admission Process
Choosing the school that will open the future possibilities for our children is one of the most important decisions we as parents have to make, and while we may have already identified key elements we would want for our children's school, our final decision is often influenced by the 'feel' of the chosen school.
We would recommend that you and your student arrange an appointment to come tour the campus, meet other students and staff, and see for yourself what an unrivaled learning experience at Capital Innovations Academy truly is!

Student Application Forms
We hope your tour will confirm that Capital Innovations Academy is the best fit for your child. To submit an application, download the forms, complete them, and mail it to us.
Please be sure to include:
• Student Application
• $225 Registration Fee
• Principal/Counselor Assessment*
• Most Recent Report Card
• Copy of Student's Health Insurance Card
• Copy of Student's Vaccination Record (including an up-to-date TDAP vaccine)
• CPR & Medication Form
• Media Wavier
• Off-Campus Form
• Climbing Wavier
• Major Survey
All Applications should be either:
A. Delivered to the campus (1828 Tribute Rd., Suite H, Sacramento, CA 95815)
B. Mailed to our Admissions address (PO Box 1458, Citrus Heights, CA 95611)
*NOTE: We recognize that student academic and/or behavioral success can be largely influenced by a student's previous environment. The Principal/Counselor Assessment allows us to have additional information to allow us to better understand your student's history and ensure we have the resources to meet your student's unique needs.